Senin, 26 November 2012
recount, text, example of recount text,
meaning recount text, orientation, events, re-orientation, structure of
recount text, language features of the text:
Every one had a job. These people were from six grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell International Day Books.
We has displays in the hell. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries.
There was also a trash and treasure stall where they sell toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring in.
After lunch we had a raffle ticket draw. I didn’t win anything but a lot of people did.
Although I didn’t win anything, International Day was still fun.
(taken from: Teaching Factual Writing: A genre Based Approach)
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Asking and Giving Opinion
การทำงานในชีวิตประจำวันบางครั้งอาจ มีการถามหรือแสดงความคิดเห็นซึ่งมีทั้งการตอบรับหรืปฏิเสธิ์
จึงควรรู้จักรูปประโยคต่างๆ เหล่านี้ เพื่อนำไปใช้ได้อย่างถูกต้อง
1. ฟังและเข้าใจคำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษที่เกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็น
2. ฟังและพูดออกเสียงเกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้ชัดเจนและเหมาะสมกับสถานการณ์
3. พูดและเลือกใช้คำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคเกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้อย่างถูกต้อง
4. อ่านและระบุรายละเอียดของการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้อย่างเหมาะสม
5. สร้างทัศนคติค่านิยมเกี่ยวกับ การยอมรับ และการใช้คำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคที่เกี่ยวกับการ
1. Language Focus
1.1 Asking for Opinions
1.2 Giving for Opinions
1.3 Agreeing
1.3.1 Positive Agreement
1.3.2 Negative Agreement
1.4 Disagreeing
1.5 Asking for details
1.6 Giving your opinion
1.6.1 Neutrally
1.6.2 Strong point
1.7 Expressions
การทำงานในชีวิตประจำวันบางครั้งอาจ มีการถามหรือแสดงความคิดเห็นซึ่งมีทั้งการตอบรับหรืปฏิเสธิ์
จึงควรรู้จักรูปประโยคต่างๆ เหล่านี้ เพื่อนำไปใช้ได้อย่างถูกต้อง
1. ฟังและเข้าใจคำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษที่เกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็น
2. ฟังและพูดออกเสียงเกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้ชัดเจนและเหมาะสมกับสถานการณ์
3. พูดและเลือกใช้คำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคเกี่ยวกับการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้อย่างถูกต้อง
4. อ่านและระบุรายละเอียดของการแสดงความคิดเห็นได้อย่างเหมาะสม
5. สร้างทัศนคติค่านิยมเกี่ยวกับ การยอมรับ และการใช้คำศัพท์ สำนวน ประโยคที่เกี่ยวกับการ
1. Language Focus
1.1 Asking for Opinions
1.2 Giving for Opinions
1.3 Agreeing
1.3.1 Positive Agreement
1.3.2 Negative Agreement
1.4 Disagreeing
1.5 Asking for details
1.6 Giving your opinion
1.6.1 Neutrally
1.6.2 Strong point
1.7 Expressions
Kamis, 22 November 2012
Rabu, 21 November 2012
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Indonesian Maid beheaded; a news item text
An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said.The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country.
The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewellery. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom.
Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict intepretation of Syaria, Islamic law executed more than 130 people.
(Taken from: BBC News)
Generic Structure Analysis
Main event; an Indonesian maid was beheaded in Saudi Arabia.
Background 1; the maid was found guilty of suffocating her bos.
Background 2; serious crimes can carry death penalty in Saudi Arabia.
Background 3; Saudi Arabia executed more than 130 people last year.
Resource; the Saudi Interior Minister statement.
Language Feature Analysis
Focussing circumtances; law of serious crimes.
Using material process; behead, execute, carry, etc
Example of Report Text
Borobudur Temple is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist monument near Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.'
Borobudur Temple |
Borobudur Temple is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist monument near Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.'
The monument is both a shrine to
the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for
pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path
circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the
three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kāmadhātu (the world of
desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of
formlessness). During the journey the monument guides the pilgrims
through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief
panels on the wall and the balustrades.
Evidence suggests Borobudur was
abandoned following the 14th-century decline of Buddhist and Hindu
kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam. Worldwide
knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford
Raffles, then the British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location
by native Indonesians.
has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest
restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the
Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was
listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur is still used for
pilgrimage; once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the
monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Fabel Kancil Mencuri Timun
Setelah Sang Kancil memeriksa dengan seksama, tahulah dia bahwa si Ajah telah terserang typhus. Belum ada obat typhus yang dimiliki apotek hutan raya, sehingga hanya ada harapan kecil bagi Ajah untuk sembuh.
Namun sebenarnya ada peluang untuk sembuh, yaitu mendapatkan antibiotik yang telah ditemukan bangsa manusia bertahun-tahun silam. Sang Kancil tahu ada beberapa keluarga petani yang menetap di pinggir hutan. Mungkin mereka memiliki persediaan antibiotik itu.
Tapi siapakah yang berani meminta antibiotik pada mereka?
Seperti yang diduga Sang Kancil, tak satupun gajah yang berani pergi ke rumah petani untuk meminta antibiotik. Termasuk Sang Gajah Ketua. Si Gajah raksasa paling besar diantara rombongan gajah itu gentar mendengar kata “manusia”.
Dalam bayangannya, bila dia muncul di depan Pak Tani yang gagah perkasa itu, dia masih beruntung bila hanya ditangkap dan dijadikan kuli pengangkut barang. Kalo lagi sial, hidupnya bakalan berakhir di moncong senapan berburu yang sangat dahsyat itu. Andai di sini ada si biri-biri pemberani, pasti dia mau datang pada petani. Tapi biri-biri tinggal di kota, bukan di hutan ini.
Tidak pilihan lain bagi Sang Kancil selaku pemimpin binatang-binatang di hutan raya selain datang sendiri ke rumah petani untuk meminta antibiotik. Maka pada pagi hari yang cerah, dengan diiringi lambaian tangan rakyatnya, Sang Kancil melangkahkan kakinya meninggalkan hutan raya menuju tanah pertanian di pinggir hutan dengan hanya membawa sedikit bekal makanan. Maklum dia sedang diet karena beberapa bulan ini tubuhnya terasa makin tambun saja.
Dengan bantuan peta yang dipinjam dari perpustakaan hutan raya, Sang Raja Hutan tahu jalan paling pendek menuju tanah pertanian. Hanya butuh waktu satu minggu sebelum Sang Kancil menginjakkan kakinya di tepi hutan, padahal bila tanpa bantuan peta bisa mencapai 1 bulan untuk sampai di pemukiman manusia. Wajarlah karena Sang Kancil adalah seorang raja yang suka melakukan inovasi agar segala sesuatunya semakin baik. Samar-samar dilihatnya kebun tanaman luas membentang di hadapannya.
Setelah melewati kebun kiwi, kebun alamanda, kebun bunga matahari, kebun rapunzel dan kebun lidah buaya, sampailah Sang Kancil di kebun timun yang berbuah lebat. Dipandanginya ratusan timun yang menjuntai dari batang-batang tanaman.
Timun-timun yang panjang dan gemuk, dengan warna hijau segar yang menerbitkan selera. Dilihatnya ada sesosok tubuh yang berdiri membelakangi dirinya. Disangkanya dia adalah Pak Tani.
Sang Kancil menyapa sesosok tubuh itu. Tapi dia diam saja. Sang Kancil mencoba menyapa dengan suara lebih keras, kemudian lebih keras lagi lalu sampai setengah berteriak. Tapi sosok itu masih diam saja. Sang Kancil mendekat dan mencoba menyentuh bahu sosok itu. Tapi celaka. Tangannya menempel pada sosok itu.
Saat tangan yang satunya mencoba membantu melepaskan, justru ikut menempel di sosok itu. Tahulah Sang Kancil bahwa dirinya telah terjebak pada orang-orangan sawah yang telah dilumuri getah nangka yang sangat lengket.
Dia pernah membaca tentang bahaya jebakan orang-orangan sawah itu di salah satu buku di perpustakaan hutan raya. Menurut buku itu seharusnya dirinya tak boleh dekat-dekat sosok mirip manusia itu, karena bisa terperangkap. Tapi terlambat, Kancil baru menyadari setelah terjebak.
Sore hari saat menengok kebunnya, Pak Tani yang penasaran karena beberapa minggu terakhir ini timunnya selalu dicuri -- merasa girang gembirang. Seekor binatang asing telah terjebak pada orang-orangan berlumur getah yang dipasangnya.
“Pastilah dia adalah pencuri sialan itu” pikirnya. Sia-sia sajalah Sang Kancil mencoba membantah kata-kata Pak Tani. “Tak ada ampun bagi pencuri” tandas Pak Tani sambil menyeret Sang Kancil ke rumahnya.
Anjing Gembala milik Pak Tani menyambangi Sang Kancil yang meringkuk di kandang ayam di halaman belakang rumah Pak Tani. “Sungguh malang kau pengelana pencuri!” katanya. Tiba-tiba Sang Kancil teringat buku tentang anjing yang ditulis kakeknya.
Di buku Monograf tentang Anjing tersebut diterangkan bahwa anjing memiliki kemampuan melacak berdasar bau-bauan. Sebuah keahlian yang berguna untuk melacak pencuri. Bisa bermanfaat untuk membuktikan bahwa Kancil tidak bersalah.
Sang Kancil menceritakan bahwa dirinya tidak mencuri. Dimintanya Anjing Gembala memeriksa apakah timun tidak dicuri lagi setelah dirinya ditangkap. Bila timun masih dicuri, berarti bukan dirinya yang mencuri.
Untunglah Anjing Gembala bersedia memenuhi permintaan Sang Kancil setelah dipuji-puji bahwa Si Anjing Gembala adalah binatang paling ahli untuk menjadi detektif yang melacak jejak pencuri. Sang Anjing yang dari sononya memang memiliki kemampuan melacak itu merasa tersanjung atas pujian Sang Kancil dan bertekad untuk membuktikan kemampuannya.
Maka dengan senang hati Anjing Gembala menghitung timun pada sore hari dan menghitung ulang pada pagi harinya. Dan benarlah kata Sang Kancil, bahwa ada pencuri yang lain yang telah mengambil timun di malam hari.
Saat diberitahu hal itu oleh Anjing Gembala, Pak Tani menjadi marah. Bagaimana mungkin Sang Kancil yang telah dikurungnya masih mampu mencuri timun?. Setelah berdebat seru dengan Sang Kancil dan Anjing Gembala tentang siapakah yang telah mencuri timun, akhirnya Pak Tani mau mengikuti taktik melacak pencuri yang diajarkan Sang Kancil. Tentu saja si Anjing Gembala girang bukan kepalang,dia punya kesempatan emas untuk membuktikan kehandalan dirinya dalam melacak pencuri.
Sang Kancil mengajari Anjing Gembala teknik melacak pencuri sesuai yang dia baca di Buku Detektif Hutan yang menjelaskan cara-cara menemukan pencuri dengan cepat.
Buku yang ditulis oleh seekor anjing hutan senior yang piawai melacak segala macam pencuri itu telah dibaca berkali-kali oleh Sang Kancil sejak masih kecil. Sang Kancil juga telah berkali-kali mempraktekkan teknik dari buku itu untuk memecahkan kasus-kasus barang hilang di hutan raya.
Pertama, Sang Kancil meminta daftar semua binatang peliharaan yang dimiliki petani. Ternyata ada banyak sekali binatang peliharaan di tanah pertanian itu. Ada lima puluh ekor ayam yang dibiarkan bebas berkeliaran. Ada enam puluh delapan ekor itik yang digembala oleh seorang pembantu.Terdapat dua belas ekor sapi perah untuk diambil susunya dan tujuh ekor kerbau yang dipergunakan untuk bekerja.
Ada juga enam ekor kuda untuk menarik kereta. Kemudian ada sepuluh ekor kelinci yang dikurung di kebun belakang dengan dikelilingi pagar tembok. Kelinci itu dibeli Pak Tani dua tahun lalu.
Langkah kedua dimintanya Anjing Gembala melacak bau-bauan dari bulu-bulu atau rambut yang tercecer di kebun timun, dan dicocokkan dengan bau-bauan di kandang masing-masing hewan tadi. Sampai akhirnya ketemulah bau kandang yang paling mendekati bau yang ada di kebun timun.
Langkah ketiga adalah Sang Kancil meminta Anjing Gembala berjaga di luar kandang binatang yang menjadi tersangka utama. Sampai akhirnya si Anjing Gembala membuntuti sekelompok binatang yang muncul dari lubang-lubang bawah tanah yang dibuat di luar kadangnya dan berhasil menangkap basah saat mereka sedang melahap timun.
Pak Tani sangat senang dan berterimakasih pada Sang Kancil dan Anjing Gembala atas keberhasilan menangkap pencuri. Dikurungnya binatang-binatang pencuri timun yang akan segera diberi pelajaran olehnya. Namun Sang Kancil mencegah petani memberi hukuman pada binatang tersebut.
Diceritakannya bahwa wajar binatang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat lubang dalam tanah tersebut -- untuk keluar mencari makan. Itu karena Pak Tani memberi jatah makanan yang kurang.
Rupanya binatang itu adalah para kelinci -- yang disangka oleh Pak Tani masih berjumlah 10 ekor. Padahal jumlah kelinci telah bertambah sejak pertamakali dibeli Pak Tani. Sekarang jumlahnya telah lebih dari dua puluh ekor. Mereka cepat beranak pinak sehingga jumlah makanan yang dijatah pak Tani tak lagi mencukupi. Akibatnya beberapa ekor kelinci badung nekad keluar kandang untuk mencari tambahan makanan.
Sadarlah Pak Tani bahwa sejak dua tahun lalu dia hanya memberi jatah satu keranjang sayur dan buah-buahan yang cukup untuk 10 ekor kelinci. Sementara jumlah kelinci telah jauh bertambah. Jadi mereka kelaparan dan kemudian ada beberapa ekor yang tidak tahan lapar keluar dari pagar untuk mencari makanan.
Menyesalah dirinya atas kelalaian itu. Kemudian dibebaskanlah kelinci-kelinci yang dikurungnya. Mengikuti jejak Sang Kancil yan juga telah dilepaskannya dari kurungan.
Kini tibalah saatnya Sang Kancil mengungkapkan tujuan dirinya bertandang ke tempat Pak Tani. Diceritakannya bahwa dirinya membutuhkan antibiotik typhus untuk diberikan pada anak gajah yang sakit.
Untunglah Pak Tani menyanggupi memberikan antibiotik itu. Dia punya kenalan seorang dokter muda yang kebetulan sedang menginap dirumahnya setelah bertugas mengobati penduduk di kampung-kampung terpencil yang tengah terjangkit wabah typhus. Dia membawa persediaan antibiotik yang cukup untuk mengobati anak gajah hingga sembuh.
Maka pada pagi hari yang cerah, Sang Kancil melangkahkan kaki kembali ke hutan sambil menenteng anibiotik buat anak gajah. Tak disangka keterjebakan dirinya pada orang-orangan sawah telah membantunya mendapatkan antibiotik dari petani.
Sementara Pak Tani juga merasa beruntung dapat menolong anak gajah. Dia juga senang karena timun-timunnya tak lagi dicuri setelah dia menambah jatah makanan buat kelinci-kelincinya. Anjing Gembala juga girang bahwa kemampuan melacaknya telah berhasil memecahkan problem pencurian timun milik Pak Tani (undil- 2011)
gambar diambil dari:
Sherlock Holmes 2
Detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson back on the cinema
through the 'A Game of Shadows'. After the success of his first film in
2009, Guy Ritchie re-directed sequel of 'Sherlock Holmes'.
A bomb exploded in Strassbourg, England soon became headlines in several newspapers. Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) who disguised as a beggar was busy stalking Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams), his enemy which also his idol that brings an important package.
In the sequel of 'Sherlock Holmes' this time, Professor. James Moriarty (Jared Harris) to be the most dangerous enemy. Moriarty is not the kind of people who are hesitant to remove the lives of many people in order to achieve the goal. Explosions in Strassbourg is one of the results of Prof. Moriarty's creation.
Holmes nosy busy when his friend, Dr. Watson (Jude Law) is getting married, because marriage would automatically make Holmes lost his partner in investigating the case.
A gypsy woman, Madam Sinza Heron (Noomi Rapace), helped Holmes the adventure this time. There was also the Holmes brother, Mycroft Holmes (Stephen Fry) who come to be an accomplice of the detective this time.
Arguably, the visual effect of 'A Game of Shadow' is more stable than its predecessor. A few slow-movement scenes later find in the cease-fire. Colors are displayed also feels right.
Farce as those made by Holmes and several other characters in the film guaranteed to invite laughter. The chemistry between Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law is not be doubted anymore. Since in the first film, the two men are able to captivate the audience and not be missed.
Chess compete between Holmes and Prof. Moriarty became the ultimate point. They both described the mind wanders respectively. Do you intrigued with the acting of the detective? The film 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows' can be an alternative entertainment at this weekend.
A bomb exploded in Strassbourg, England soon became headlines in several newspapers. Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) who disguised as a beggar was busy stalking Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams), his enemy which also his idol that brings an important package.
In the sequel of 'Sherlock Holmes' this time, Professor. James Moriarty (Jared Harris) to be the most dangerous enemy. Moriarty is not the kind of people who are hesitant to remove the lives of many people in order to achieve the goal. Explosions in Strassbourg is one of the results of Prof. Moriarty's creation.
Holmes nosy busy when his friend, Dr. Watson (Jude Law) is getting married, because marriage would automatically make Holmes lost his partner in investigating the case.
A gypsy woman, Madam Sinza Heron (Noomi Rapace), helped Holmes the adventure this time. There was also the Holmes brother, Mycroft Holmes (Stephen Fry) who come to be an accomplice of the detective this time.
Arguably, the visual effect of 'A Game of Shadow' is more stable than its predecessor. A few slow-movement scenes later find in the cease-fire. Colors are displayed also feels right.
Farce as those made by Holmes and several other characters in the film guaranteed to invite laughter. The chemistry between Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law is not be doubted anymore. Since in the first film, the two men are able to captivate the audience and not be missed.
Chess compete between Holmes and Prof. Moriarty became the ultimate point. They both described the mind wanders respectively. Do you intrigued with the acting of the detective? The film 'Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows' can be an alternative entertainment at this weekend.
Selasa, 13 November 2012
2. The Fox and the Crow
crow, perched in a tree with a piece of cheese in his beak, attracted
the eye and nose of a fox. "If you can sing as prettily as you sit,"
said the fox, "then you are the prettiest singer within my scent and
sight." The fox had read somewhere, and somewhere, and somewhere else,
that praising the voice of a crow with a cheese in his beak would make
him drop the cheese and sing. But this is not what happened to this
particular crow in this particular case.
say you are sly and they say you are crazy," said the crow, having
carefully removed the cheese from his beak with the claws of one foot,
"but you must be nearsighted as well. Warblers wear gay hats and colored
jackets and bright vest, and they are a dollar a hundred. I wear black
and I am unique.
am sure you are," said the fox, who was neither crazy nor nearsighted,
but sly. "I recognize you, now that I look more closely, as the most
famed and talented of all birds, and I fain would hear you tell about
yourself, but I am hungry and must go."
awhile," said the crow quickly, "and share my lunch with me." Whereupon
he tossed the cunning fox the lion's share of the cheese, and began to
tell about himself. "A ship that sails without a crow's nest sails to
doom," he said. "Bars may come and bars may go, but crow bars last
forever. I am the pioneer of flight, I am the map maker. Last, but never
least, my flight is known to scientists and engineers, geometricians,
and scholar, as the shortest distance between two points. Any two
points," he concluded arrogantly.
every two points, I am sure," said the fox. "And thank you for the
lion's share of what I know you could not spare." And with this he
trotted away into the woods, his appetite appeased, leaving the hungry
crow perched forlornly in the tree.
Senin, 12 November 2012
is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world,
providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water
for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the
water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and
causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the
Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses
into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall
to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.
not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling
through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen
in hot, dry desert regions.
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aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan
pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat
dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice
lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan
passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di
surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan
tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari
active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan
dengan subject-nya.
Contoh :
- Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
- Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
- Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
- Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
- Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
- Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
- Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata ‘by’.
- Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pada poin h – o di bawah.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier
Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis
a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
- Active : He meets them everyday.
- Passive : They are met by him everyday.
- Active : She waters this plant every two days.
- Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were
- Active : He met them yesterday
- Passive : They were met by him yesterday
- Active : She watered this plant this morning
- Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning
c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
- Active : He has met them
- Passive : They have been met by him
- Active : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
- Passive : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.
d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
- Active : He had met them before I came.
- Passive : They had been met by him before I came.
- Active : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
- Passive : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
- Active : He will meet them tomorrow.
- Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.
- Active : She will water this plant this afternoon.
- Passive : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
- Active : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
- Passive : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.
f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’
- Active : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
- Passive : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
- Active : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
- Passive : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.
- Active : He would have met them.
- Passive : They would have been met by him.
- Active : She would have watered this plant.
- Passive : This plant would have been watered by her.
h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
- Active : He is meeting them now.
- Passive : They are being met by him now.
- Active : She is watering this plant now.
- Passive : This plant is being watered by her now.
i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (was atau were) + being.
- Active : He was meeting them.
- Passive : They were being met by him.
- Active : She was watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant was being watered by her.
j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
- Active : He has been meeting them.
- Passive : They have been being met by him.
- Active : She has been watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant has been being watered by her.
k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being.
- Active : He had been meeting them.
- Passive : They had been being met by him.
- Active : She had been watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant had been being watered by her.
l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will be + being.
- Active : He will be meeting them.
- Passive : They will be being met by him.
- Active : She will be watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant will be being watered by her.
m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being.
- Active : He would be meeting them.
- Passive : They would be being met by him.
- Active : She would be watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.
n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
- Active : He will have been meeting them.
- Passive : They will have been being met by him.
- Active : She will have been watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant will have been being watered by her.
o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
- Active : He would be meeting them.
- Passive : They would be being met by him.
- Active : She would be watering this plant.
- Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.
Contoh-contoh yang lain:
- Koko’s nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose. (Hidung Koko sedang berdarah. Dia dipukul oleh temannya tepat di hidungnya).
- The Indonesian football team was beaten by the Saudi Arabian team. (Team sepakbola Indonesia dikalahkan oleh team arab Saudi).
- These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago. (Tanaman-tanaman ini disirami oleh adikku beberapa menit yang lalu).
- There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes. (Tidak ada makan yang tersisa. Semuanya telah dilahap habis oleh Yeyes).
- English is studied by all high school students. (Bahasa Inggris dipelajari oleh semua murid sekolah menengah lanjutan (SMP dan SMA).
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Tags: Active and Passive Voice, Kalimat aktif dan pasif, kalimat aktif dan pasif future continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif future perfect, kalimat aktif dan pasif future perfect continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif future tense, kalimat aktif dan pasif past continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif past future, kalimat aktif dan pasif past future continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif past future perfect, kalimat aktif dan pasif past future perfect continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif past perfect, kalimat aktif dan pasif past perfect continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif past tense, kalimat aktif dan pasif perfect continuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif present perfect, kalimat aktif dan pasif present sontinuous, kalimat aktif dan pasif simple present tense
Sabtu, 10 November 2012
Expressing relief in English/ Mengekspresikan bantuan dalam bahasa Inggris FOR CLASS XI IPS ENGLISH
relief in English
(Source: Sudarwati. Look Ahead. Jakarta:
Expressing relief
that’s relief.
goodness for that.
what a relief!
alright, then.
God for that.
m very relieved to hear that.
extremely glad to hear that.
a relief!
for you.
glad it’s done.
glad everything is running well.
feel so relieved.
ointment relieves my pain.
very relaxing.
Dialog 1
Situation: You have finished your lunch at a restaurant near your school.
Suddenly you discovery you have no cash to pay for it. You ask the cashier if
she will accept a cheque.
You : sorry, but is
a cheque avaible here?
Cashier : yes, certainly.
You : thank
goodness for that.
Dialog 2
Situation: the sun and the Moon invited the Ocean to their cottage. The
Ocean asked them whether he could come with his friends because it was
impossible to leave his friends.
The Ocean : May I
go with all of my friends?
The Sun :
The Moon : I’m
glad everything is running well.
Dialog 3
Situation :You borrowed your friend’s new digital camera. It suddenly
stopped working. You have taken it back to him.
You : I’ m terribly
sorry, I think I’ ve broken it.
Your friend : It’s okay. The
main buttons come out, that’s all.
You : that’s a
IN INDONESIAN (with google translate English-indonesian)
(Sumber:. Sudarwati Look Ahead Jakarta:.. Erlangga)
mengekspresikan bantuan
o Oh, itu lega.
o Syukurlah untuk itu.
o Syukurlah!
o Oh, bagus!
o Oh, luar biasa!
o Oh, apa yang melegakan!
o Tidak apa-apa, lalu.
o Fiuh.
o Terima kasih Tuhan untuk itu.
m o Saya sangat lega mendengarnya.
o Saya sangat senang mendengar itu.
o Apa yang melegakan!
o Baik untuk Anda.
o Aku senang hal itu dilakukan.
o Aku senang semuanya berjalan dengan baik.
o Saya merasa sangat lega.
o salep ini mengurangi rasa sakit saya.
o Ini sangat santai.
dialog 1
Situasi: Anda telah selesai makan siang di sebuah restoran di dekat sekolah Anda. Tiba-tiba Anda menemukan Anda tidak memiliki uang tunai untuk membayar untuk itu. Anda meminta kasirapakah dia akan menerima cek.
You: maaf, adalah avaible cek di sini?
Tunai: ya, tentu.
Anda: syukurlah untuk itu.
dialog 2
Situasi: matahari dan Bulan diundang Samudera ke pondokmereka. Samudera menanyakan apakah ia bisa datang denganteman-temannya karena tidak mungkin untuk meninggalkan teman-temannya.
Samudra: Bolehkah saya pergi dengan semua teman saya?
The Sun: Tentu saja.
Bulan: Aku senang semuanya berjalan dengan baik.
dialog 3
Situasi: Anda meminjam kamera digital baru teman Anda. Tiba-tibaberhenti bekerja. Anda telah mengambil kembali kepadanya.
Anda: Saya sangat menyesal, saya pikir saya sudah rusak itu.
Teman Anda: Tidak apa-apa. Tombol-tombol utama keluar, itu saja.
Anda: itu melegakan.
1. Blind Date
Aliazalea second novel, first novel "Miss Pessimistic", entitled "Blind Date" tells the love story of a 27-year-old girl named Titania. Titania is an Indonesian girl who lives in the U.S.. Cultural differences are encapsulated in the theme of love becomes the background of this novel.
Setting of the novel that takes an area in North Carolina, America, is well described by the author so that the reader can imagine the situation there. Once Titania was heartbroken because of her love affair with Brandon, a young lawyer, expired. The end of the relationship because of Titania caught Brandon was cheating. Not only that, Brandon also have the heart to say that no man wants make a relationship with Titania.
To prove the words of Brandon is not true, and also because her brother's insistence, Titania register at a dating agency to meet with someone who fits the criteria. While waiting list of men who will met by Titania, Titania met a programmer named Rilley, in the "Fresh Market".
The first meeting of unintended continued to other meetings that make Titania felt something in her heart. Not allegedly also turned Rilley is one of the list of the men who organized the matchmaking. The stories of romance was continued after they realized about it. The depiction of American men on Asian girl becomes the topic that I love from the whole story, even though overall I liked this novel.
The nice delivery story that deliverd by the author, Aliazalea, will make the readers will not be willing to blink their eyes when reading the novel "Blind Date". The attractive story packaging that flows from the back yard increment to the flesh, not far from the previous page.
With the advantage of the novel "Blind Date" is, it is proper novel "Blind Date" this could be a recommendation for readers of romance novels lovers.
Aliazalea second novel, first novel "Miss Pessimistic", entitled "Blind Date" tells the love story of a 27-year-old girl named Titania. Titania is an Indonesian girl who lives in the U.S.. Cultural differences are encapsulated in the theme of love becomes the background of this novel.
Setting of the novel that takes an area in North Carolina, America, is well described by the author so that the reader can imagine the situation there. Once Titania was heartbroken because of her love affair with Brandon, a young lawyer, expired. The end of the relationship because of Titania caught Brandon was cheating. Not only that, Brandon also have the heart to say that no man wants make a relationship with Titania.
To prove the words of Brandon is not true, and also because her brother's insistence, Titania register at a dating agency to meet with someone who fits the criteria. While waiting list of men who will met by Titania, Titania met a programmer named Rilley, in the "Fresh Market".
The first meeting of unintended continued to other meetings that make Titania felt something in her heart. Not allegedly also turned Rilley is one of the list of the men who organized the matchmaking. The stories of romance was continued after they realized about it. The depiction of American men on Asian girl becomes the topic that I love from the whole story, even though overall I liked this novel.
The nice delivery story that deliverd by the author, Aliazalea, will make the readers will not be willing to blink their eyes when reading the novel "Blind Date". The attractive story packaging that flows from the back yard increment to the flesh, not far from the previous page.
With the advantage of the novel "Blind Date" is, it is proper novel "Blind Date" this could be a recommendation for readers of romance novels lovers.
Sabtu, 01 September 2012
subjunctive devided into 4; They are:
1. wish
2. If only
3. Would rather
4. As if/ As though
Subjunctive --------Past tense
fakta-------------- present tense
Ex. I wish I were rich family.
Fakta : I amn't rich family
Subjuntive---Past perfect
f---- Past tense
Ex. I wished that I had been rich familyy
Fakta---I was not rich family
2.If Only--Present
Ex. If only I had much money,I would buy new car.
F--- I didn't have much money.
b.If only--past subjunctive
Ex..If only I nhad had much money.I would have bought new car
F---I didn't have much money
3.Would Rather.
Would rather---Present
Ex.He would rather I loved him.
F---I dont love him
Would rather--Past
Ex. He would rather I had loved him
f--I didn't love him
As IF /AS THOUGH--Present.
Ex.He as if he were clever
AS IF/AS though-Past Subjunctive
Ex. He as if he had been clever
f---He was not clever
1. wish
2. If only
3. Would rather
4. As if/ As though
Subjunctive --------Past tense
fakta-------------- present tense
Ex. I wish I were rich family.
Fakta : I amn't rich family
Subjuntive---Past perfect
f---- Past tense
Ex. I wished that I had been rich familyy
Fakta---I was not rich family
2.If Only--Present
Ex. If only I had much money,I would buy new car.
F--- I didn't have much money.
b.If only--past subjunctive
Ex..If only I nhad had much money.I would have bought new car
F---I didn't have much money
3.Would Rather.
Would rather---Present
Ex.He would rather I loved him.
F---I dont love him
Would rather--Past
Ex. He would rather I had loved him
f--I didn't love him
As IF /AS THOUGH--Present.
Ex.He as if he were clever
AS IF/AS though-Past Subjunctive
Ex. He as if he had been clever
f---He was not clever
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
persamaan dan perbedaan analytical exposition dg hortatory exposition
Analytical exposition ,to persuade the readers or listener that something is the case. It means that it has be case, but Hortatory Exposition it matbe the case maybe no,In Analytical Exposition in the last paragraph there is conclusion. In hortatory about suggestion.
The similarity is both of them are the persuade the readers,has arguments,present tense.It means that it is easy to understand which is analytical and which is hortatory.
The similarity is both of them are the persuade the readers,has arguments,present tense.It means that it is easy to understand which is analytical and which is hortatory.
Sabtu, 21 April 2012
Hortatory Exposition
siswa siswi Xi Ipa 3 dan Ipa 4,saat belajar hortatory exposition dan mencari perbedaan dan persamaannya dg Analytical exposition,mereka bisa menjelaskan dg baik.Berarti siswa siswi itu bisa belajar dg baik,asalkan kita beri waktu dan setengah kita paksa.mereka pasti bisa.Yakin.pada prinsifnya siswa itu punya kemauan dan mampu utk bljar.
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
spoof practise
siswa-siswi ketika mempraktikkan spoof text atau membaca mereka sangat lucu.berarti semua siswa sudah memahami isi daripada text tersebut.So I am happy to know about my students are clever.I hope all of my students can speak English well.After graduating from senior High School they can looking for good job.AMIIN.
Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012
Soon after he left college, Dave found one of his uncles who was very rich and had no children of his own died and left him a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency. Dave found a nice office. He bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for e few hours when he heard someone coming toward the door of his office. “It must be my first customer” Dave thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country. The man knocked at the door while this was going on. He came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation on the phone. Then the man said to Dave; “I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone” Notes on the Spoof’s Generic Structure Orientation: Dave was a lucky man. He suddenly became a very rich man because of the death of his rich uncle who had no children. He inherited his uncle’s money. Event 1: Being rich, he wanted to set up his estate company Event 2: He had his new office. In his office, he pretended to be a very successful businessman. He acted as had an important client. He showed by making conversation on the phone. Twist: The man whom he showed is a telephone technician. He came to Dave’s office to connect that phone. Read the other examples: Spoof Example of Spoof "What Time is It?" Example of Spoof text with Ironic Twist "The Perfect Husband" as Example of Spoof Text Spoof Example "Honey What is for Supper?" Twist in Spoof Text Contoh Spoof Text "The Necklace" Spoof Text is Different from Anecdote Text Goat Jumping into Deep Hole as EXAMPLE OF SPOOF TEXT Example of Spoof Text in Story of Spying Parrot It’s Time to Go to School! Short Example of Spoof Text Loving Money Too Much; Example of Spoof Example of Spoof Text in Funny Story Spoof and Recount Text; What Makes them Different? Saved by Stilts; a spoof text 12 comments: camelia said... thx bget dach teks spoof nya . hehehehehe 11/5/09 4:19 PM Admin said... Camelia, you are welcome, contoh spoof ini diharap bisa membantu pemahaman kita bersama tentang bentuk text 11/5/09 4:52 PM jia di' na^wa said... Tq bgt..... text types nya,,, ngbantu bgt bwt qu ngerjain tugas2.. 11/4/10 3:47 PM SUNY said... ARTIX DA G??? 28/4/10 5:42 PM Anonymous said... wkwkwk...~ thx bgt textnya... lucu bgt dah... 1/6/10 11:49 PM Admin said... Lucunya cerita spoof itu sebagai efek dari Twist, sebuah ending cerita yang tak terduga dari banguna plot semula 2/6/10 9:06 PM Amelia said... makasiih yaa.. aku copas boleh kan buat tugas.. hihihi.. =) 15/8/10 11:05 PM jean said... thank you so much..... besok tu ada tugas ngumpulin contoh spoof... akhirnya dapet juga... 8/2/11 6:18 PM Anonymous said... ini ada versi lain contoh spoof text tentang telpon yang belum terpasang. A man recently appointed general in the army was sitting in his new office when a new soldier walked in. Wishing to impress the new soldier, the general picked up the telephone and said, “Yes, Mr. President. I’m glad you like my suggestions. I’ll come by and give you a more detailed report at the White House a little later this week.” After hanging up the telephone the general asked, “Now, soldier, what can I do for you?” “Nothing much, sir,” said the soldier. I just came in to connect your telephone.” Contoh spoof ini lucu banget. 26/4/11 8:05 PM dinii said... makasih contoh text nya :D 24/7/11 10:17 PM Anonymous said... thanks 3/1/12 11:52 PM Anonymous said... ho hooooo lucu"lucu ceritanya lucu bgt 18/1/12 2:33 PM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Popular Posts in Text Types CINDERELLA STORY; the Clearest Example of Narrative Text Example of Spoof Text in Funny Story Contoh / Example of Narrative Text "The Story of Lake Toba" Example of Narrative Text; The Smartest Parrot Narrative Analysis on Malin Kundang Story Kite's Tale as Example of Narrative Loving Money Too Much; Example of Spoof It’s Time to Go to School! Short Example of Spoof Text “That Phone is Off” ; example of spoof Contoh/Example of Report Text in Komodo Subscribing to Text Types Enter your email to subscribe Text Types Don't forget to verify, CLICK the link sent to your email to activate subscription Get Connected with Text Types! Searching with GoogleSoon after he left college, Dave found one of his uncles who was very rich and had no children of his own died and left him a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency. Dave found a nice office. He bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for e few hours when he heard someone coming toward the door of his office. “It must be my first customer” Dave thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country. The man knocked at the door while this was going on. He came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation on the phone. Then the man said to Dave; “I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone” Notes on the Spoof’s Generic Structure Orientation: Dave was a lucky man. He suddenly became a very rich man because of the death of his rich uncle who had no children. He inherited his uncle’s money. Event 1: Being rich, he wanted to set up his estate company Event 2: He had his new office. In his office, he pretended to be a very successful businessman. He acted as had an important client. He showed by making conversation on the phone. Twist: The man whom he showed is a telephone technician. He came to Dave’s office to connect that phone. Read the other examples: Spoof Example of Spoof "What Time is It?" Example of Spoof text with Ironic Twist "The Perfect Husband" as Example of Spoof Text Spoof Example "Honey What is for Supper?" Twist in Spoof Text Contoh Spoof Text "The Necklace" Spoof Text is Different from Anecdote Text Goat Jumping into Deep Hole as EXAMPLE OF SPOOF TEXT Example of Spoof Text in Story of Spying Parrot It’s Time to Go to School! Short Example of Spoof Text Loving Money Too Much; Example of Spoof Example of Spoof Text in Funny Story Spoof and Recount Text; What Makes them Different? Saved by Stilts; a spoof text 12 comments: camelia said... thx bget dach teks spoof nya . hehehehehe 11/5/09 4:19 PM Admin said... Camelia, you are welcome, contoh spoof ini diharap bisa membantu pemahaman kita bersama tentang bentuk text 11/5/09 4:52 PM jia di' na^wa said... Tq bgt..... text types nya,,, ngbantu bgt bwt qu ngerjain tugas2.. 11/4/10 3:47 PM SUNY said... ARTIX DA G??? 28/4/10 5:42 PM Anonymous said... wkwkwk...~ thx bgt textnya... lucu bgt dah... 1/6/10 11:49 PM Admin said... Lucunya cerita spoof itu sebagai efek dari Twist, sebuah ending cerita yang tak terduga dari banguna plot semula 2/6/10 9:06 PM Amelia said... makasiih yaa.. aku copas boleh kan buat tugas.. hihihi.. =) 15/8/10 11:05 PM jean said... thank you so much..... besok tu ada tugas ngumpulin contoh spoof... akhirnya dapet juga... 8/2/11 6:18 PM Anonymous said... ini ada versi lain contoh spoof text tentang telpon yang belum terpasang. A man recently appointed general in the army was sitting in his new office when a new soldier walked in. Wishing to impress the new soldier, the general picked up the telephone and said, “Yes, Mr. President. I’m glad you like my suggestions. I’ll come by and give you a more detailed report at the White House a little later this week.” After hanging up the telephone the general asked, “Now, soldier, what can I do for you?” “Nothing much, sir,” said the soldier. I just came in to connect your telephone.” Contoh spoof ini lucu banget. 26/4/11 8:05 PM dinii said... makasih contoh text nya :D 24/7/11 10:17 PM Anonymous said... thanks 3/1/12 11:52 PM Anonymous said... ho hooooo lucu"lucu ceritanya lucu bgt 18/1/12 2:33 PM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Popular Posts in Text Types CINDERELLA STORY; the Clearest Example of Narrative Text Example of Spoof Text in Funny Story Contoh / Example of Narrative Text "The Story of Lake Toba" Example of Narrative Text; The Smartest Parrot Narrative Analysis on Malin Kundang Story Kite's Tale as Example of Narrative Loving Money Too Much; Example of Spoof It’s Time to Go to School! Short Example of Spoof Text “That Phone is Off” ; example of spoof Contoh/Example of Report Text in Komodo Subscribing to Text Types Enter your email to subscribe Text Types Don't forget to verify, CLICK the link sent to your email to activate subscription Get Connected with Text Types! Searching with Google
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012
Selasa, 17 Januari 2012
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