subjunctive devided into 4; They are:
1. wish
2. If only
3. Would rather
4. As if/ As though
Subjunctive --------Past tense
fakta-------------- present tense
Ex. I wish I were rich family.
Fakta : I amn't rich family
Subjuntive---Past perfect
f---- Past tense
Ex. I wished that I had been rich familyy
Fakta---I was not rich family
2.If Only--Present
Ex. If only I had much money,I would buy new car.
F--- I didn't have much money.
b.If only--past subjunctive
Ex..If only I nhad had much money.I would have bought new car
F---I didn't have much money
3.Would Rather.
Would rather---Present
Ex.He would rather I loved him.
F---I dont love him
Would rather--Past
Ex. He would rather I had loved him
f--I didn't love him
As IF /AS THOUGH--Present.
Ex.He as if he were clever
AS IF/AS though-Past Subjunctive
Ex. He as if he had been clever
f---He was not clever
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